LK Armatur is a leading producer in Europe, manufactures millions of valves per year for the global HVAC market. Our solutions are based on a comprehensive view of how valves, control units, components and prefabricated products work together.
LK Systems is the leading manufacturer of easy-to-install systems for heating and tap water distribution and pre-insulated pipes in the Nordics. Through our prefabrication factory, we also provide tailor-made solutions that simplify the installation process even further.
Our PEX Pipe Extrusion business area is an innovative manufacturer of high-quality plastic pipes for the heating and plumbing industry. Our core is the efficient, high-technology production process for crosslinked PE-Xa pipes, resulting in products with a unique combination of flexibility and hydrostatic strength.
LK is a family-owned trading and production group, operating on a global scale within the HVAC-area. We are the market leader in Sweden and has an increasing sales of products, systems and solutions in the Nordic countries, Europe and the USA.
Air vent valve for heating systems.
Air bleed valves are fitted at the high points of the system. Fits collecting pipes, radiators, etc. The thread is sealed in the usual way.
Note: In order to avoid the risk of leaks, ensure that the slotted screw is tightened so that it abuts the swelling discs. During commissioning, it is normal for the vent to leak a few drops of water.
Avluftaren ska kontrolleras regelbundet. Avluftning sker när luft i systemet får avluftarens svällskivor att torka. Luft strömmar då ut och ventilen stänger när svällskivorna åter får kontakt med vätska. Vid behov kan avluftaren rengöras. Den integrerade nålventilen stänger mot värmesystemet när den övre delen av avluftaren skruvas av. Under skruven på den övre delen av avluftaren finns svällskivorna. Kontrollera att dessa är rena. Rengör vid behov i ljummet vatten. När överdelen skruvas tillbaka ska den skruvas helt till botten dvs. så långt att bara lufthålen är synliga i skarven.
Technical Data
Max. working pressure: | 0.7 MPa |
Working temperature: | Max. 115°C |
Media 1: | Water - Glycol mixture max. 50% |
Other data: | Valve: Chrome plated Brass MS58 |